Kidney Health Information & Frequently Asked Questions

We have answered some of the common questions that our patients ask and are happy to help if you need more information:
1) When is the earliest I can see Dr Zara Amer?
If you need an urgent appointment, please email or call us at (02) 83761060 to discuss it. We will do our best to provide you with the earliest available time. For medical emergencies, please always call 000.
2) What do I need to make an appointment?
To make a new appointment with us, please have the following available:
i) Medicare Card
ii) A referral letter from your GP or Specialist
To make a follow-up appointment, please ensure your referral is valid. A referral letter from your GP is valid for one year and by a Specialist for three months.
3) Why is a valid Referral letter required?
A valid referral letter will help you get the medicare rebates for the consultation fees. It will also facilitate communication with your other medical care providers.
4) What do I need to bring to the appointment?
Please bring the following for your appointment:
i) Medicare Card
ii) Referral letter from your GP or Specialist
iii) Investigation results such as blood or urine tests and X-rays, ultrasound or scan reports (if available)
iv) List or picture of your current medications or Webster pack (if applicable)
v) Home blood pressure readings and weight diary (if available)
vi) Discharge summary from hospital (if applicable)
vii) Letters from other specialists (if applicable)
5) How long are the appointments?
Dr Zara's initial consultation appointments are 30 to 45 minutes long, and follow-ups with existing patients are 20 to 30 minutes long. She listens to your concerns and discusses the management options available based on the best medical evidence and your personal preferences.
6) Do we provide Telehealth consults?
Yes, we do provide video Telehealth service. We are mindful of your busy work and life schedule, and Dr Zara offers video Telehealth consultations for follow-ups. Dr Zara does not provide Telehealth for initial and complex follow-up consultations due to the need for detailed assessments. You can email or call us to discuss whether a Telehealth consultation would suit you. Please note that pre-payment is required for Telehealth consultations.
7) What can I do to look after my kidney health?
We focus on preventing the progression of kidney disease and its complications. Kidney disease is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular adverse events and poor quality of life. Please discuss with Dr Zara for more information on managing the risk factors that cause kidney disease progression.
8) What are the Consultation Fees for seeing Dr Zara?
The consultation fees vary depending on the complexity and are partially covered by Medicare if you have a valid referral letter and Medicare card. Please call us at 02 83761060 to discuss this in detail.
9) Why do we share Information electronically?
We share your health-related information electronically to help manage your health effectively and efficiently. We use the software and electronic information sharing with cyber security in place, but with the increasing risks of breach of security, we want you to understand the risks.
10) Why do we ask for your suggestions?
Your opinions and suggestions after your consultations will help us provide the care you like.